Nowadays with mobile phone apps : the possibilities are endless... mini sampler, mini synth, everything you need in your pocket...
You may say “ok that’s just another gadget”, but think about it : a mobile phone + a 3.5mm jack adapter + tons of musical apps = you’ve got your mini synth whererever you are, with cool sounds, with the possibility to plug it into an amp or any recording device...
Sure it won’t be a monster, but thanks to the 3.5mm output :
- you can add external effects
- you can mix it with other sounds
- you always have a bunch of cool sounds in your pocket
- your pocket Hard Drive is ready to use for a jam with friends, or an external studio session (no need to come with samples CD or machines)
- your pocket Hard Drive is ready to use for a jam with friends, or an external studio session (no need to come with samples CD or machines)
Finally, since mobile phones use SD card storage : your phone is as powerful as computers were a few years ago !... 4Go, 8Go, 16Go even 32 Go ! How many samples can you put on that ? that is SO huge ! You can create folders with classics, indispensable samples : TR-505 / 707 / 909, TB 303, bass lines, weird sounds etc...
Here’s a short demo of 2 devices I made : Speak and Spell and TR-707.
Unfortunately my phone is not powerful enough to play several sounds at the same time... but again : it’s meant to be sampled ...